About this STEM integrated learning scenario
This learning scenario aims to raise awareness among students about the water scarcity problem in the world. After watching videos and/or reading articles about it, they will debate about what they had learned from those videos/articles. The teacher will ask students to identify problems related to the misuse of water by society and particularly in their school. They will also build a survey to implement at school. The data collected will be organized into graphics to be displayed in the school’s lobby. Students will be asked to build a water filtration device. Finally, they will also build a musical instrument using water, after discovering the ideal proportion of water to produce different sounds. This LS can be implemented in an online environment like Google Classroom.
Author(s): Ana Louro, Amélia Chaves, Andreia Santos
Subject(s): Math, Music, Natural Sciences, Art, Citizenship
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Related real- life questions
This learning scenario explores the following real-life questions:
- How can we prevent waste in our school community?
- How can we use everyday materials to collect water?
Related STEM Careers
With this learning scenario, students will have the opportunity to work with activities and materials that will introduce them to several potential STEM career paths, including:
- Product Designer
- Mechanical & Civil Engineer
- Robotics Engineer
- Architect
- Video Game Designer
- Sound Engineer
You can find related STEM jobs profiles on the STE(A)M IT repository:
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