
Do your students show interest during biology classes? Are they eager to work in the science of life field, but they are also passionate about computer science? If they don’t know how to combine these two fields, they let them know about the Bioinformatician career! Bioinformaticians work at the crossroads Read more…

Energy Efficiency Engineer

Do your students have an ecological spirit? Are they interested in how more effectively or sustainably might be the energy be used? They are on the right way to become an Energy Efficiency Engineer. Reducing energy consumption and improving energy efficiency is one of the main aims of this career! Read more…


Are your students interested in what is happening below our surface? Are they fascinated by earthquakes or tsunamis? Then the career of Seismologist might be the right one for them. They are first of all scientists! Their journey combines physics, mathematics, geology, and computing processing. Seismologist studies earthquakes, their causes, Read more…

Meteorologist Researcher

What does a Meteorologist Researcher do? Have your students ever wondered how to forecast the weather conditions or how a storm is formed? It is a Meteorologist researcher’s job to answer these questions! They are real-life savers! Meteorologists observe, report, and forecast weather conditions to make you safe from dangerous Read more…

Urban Informatics Analyst

Are your students curious and do they love geographic and computer science? Then they might be on the right path to becoming an Urban Informatics Specialist! Combining research, practice and uses information technology for the analysis, management, planning and inhabitation in cities, Urban Informatics is an interesting field! Urban Informatics Read more…

Space Mission Specialist

Are your students dreaming of taking part in the flight of spacecraft into and through outer space? Are they interested in design or knowing how to build aircraft or even spacecraft? Then they need to get acquainted with Space Mission Specialist’s career! Describing someone as Space Mission Specialist could mean Read more…