Panhellenic and International Conference on “STE(A)M educators and education”
The Regional Center for Educational Planning of Western Greece (PE.K.ES. D.E.), Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diofantus” (C.T.I.) and Hellenic Open University (H.O.U.) co-organize the Panhellenic and International Conference on “STE(A)M educators and education”.
The Conference is coordinated by Dr. Achilleas Kameas, Professor of HOU and Dr. Spyridon Papadakis, Organizational Coordinator of PEKES Western Greece. The conference is supported by the project “STEAMonEdu: Competence development of STE (A) M educators through online tools and communities” (https://steamonedu.eu/).
The conference is also supported by the PDE of Western Greece, the international teacher community Scientix (http://www.scientix.eu/) and projects “STE(A)M IT” (http://steamit.eun.org/), “CHOICE” (https://www.euchoice.eu/)
About the conference
The conference aspires to be a step of academic dialogue of the members of the scientific and educational community of the country and Europe, as well as other stakeholders, on modern scientific approaches and policies in the field of STE(A)M education, so that through the presentations of expert and distinguished scientists from Greece and abroad, to provoke a fruitful dialogue on the developments and implementation of the STE(A)M educational approach in Greek and European Education.
STE(A)M education proposes the introduction of Art in STEM education – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – and includes learning experiences that enhance interdisciplinarity, creativity and innovation among learners through an attractive way of teaching and training, with application to real problems.
The conference is addressed to scientists, teachers and educators of all levels engaged or interested in applying STE(A)M education, researchers and postgraduate students, education executives, providers of vocational education and training but also to any individual interested in being informed of the latest scientific developments, experiences and the results of the implementation of the STE(A)M educational approach. Certificates of participation will be awarded to the conference attendees.
The conference will take place by physical presence (to the extent that the health conditions allow it) and at the same time online from Friday 07/05/21 until Sunday 09/05/21