Integrated STEM teaching aims to introduce students to STEM topics (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics) in a connected manner and to contextualise STEM in the real
world by highlighting examples of STEM jobs and careers that can inspire students. To achieve
this, the project created the Career Advisers Network to help teachers better understand the
career pathways that are available to students and the skills they require while nurturing a strong
relationship with the STEM Industry.
The purpose of the handbook for career advisers is to reach out, inspire and support teachers
and the wider community of school career advisers and was authored by teachers of all levels
of education who are members of the Career Advisers Network. The handbook includes best
practices and guidelines on how to contextualize STEM careers in the classroom, strategies on
how to better understand students’ needs to put them on a STEM career path, and ways to
initiate or enhance connections with the STEM industry.
The handbook for career advisers is part of the first European Integrated STEM teaching
Framework produced by the STE(A)M IT project, a project funded with the support of the
Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.