Home » Stories of implementation » Implementation of the Learning Scenario: The Solar System and the Earth, where could Humans Live?

About this STEM integrated story of implementation

In this Story of Implementation (SoI), teachers from Portugal outline their adaptation of the learning scenario “The Solar System and the Earth, where could Humans Live?” created by a team of teachers from Cyprus. They describe how they overcame challenges related to the pandemic, online resources, and language barriers to help the students explore the conditions necessary for human life and how challenging living on other planets would be. Combining multiple subjects, students learnt about the importance of clean water, oxygen, and gravity.

Author(s): Ana Louro , Amélia Chaves , Andreia Santos

Subject(s): Mathematics, Science, Technology, Art, LanguageMathematics

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Rocío Benito

Rocío Benito

I am a Digital Media Officer in the Science Education Department of European Schoolnet (EUN). I studied mass media, and graphic and web design. I love photography and video editing.