Promoted as part of the very first STEM MOOCs package of EUN Academy, together with the rerun of the notorious ‘STEM is Everywhere’ MOOC, the integrated STEM Teaching MOOCs for primary and secondary school teachers ended a month ago, exceeding all expectations!

With 1170 participants in primary education and 1265 in secondary education, these courses have indirectly impacted over 29,000 students.

Integrated STEM Teaching MOOCs: what impact on teachers?

According to participants feedback shared on the course forum, social media channels and via the course survey:

‘The courses helped us integrate real-world problems into our STEM lessons and practices’ Małgorzata Kulesza, teacher and participant of the MOOC, comment posted on Twitter.

‘Thank you, European Schoolnet Academy! Thank you Scientix Team! Thank you, my peers, your comments were very positive and encouraging. [….] Our partnership and collaboration which started in MOOC, will continue among teachers and pupils coming from different cultures with an eTwinning project. Our learning scenario will be put on practice the next months with our students even at a distance …We will find the way!! I recommend it to all teachers!! Congratulations to all !!!’ Νάσια Κανατούλα, participant of the Integrated STEM Teaching MOOC for Primary Schools, comment posted on the Facebook group of the course.

During the course, teachers have worked together on the integrated STEM teaching methods to create inspiring lessons for their students! This is, for example, the case of Isabel Blanco, STEM teacher, and Javier Ramos Sancha, English teacher, who joined forces to create a learning scenario on ‘Fighting against deforestation and deliberate wildfires’.

What is coming next? 

While the forum, social media channels, and the course content, all remain available for perusal, it is, at least for now, no longer possible to receive the course badge or the course certificate. 

But we have some cheering news: the MOOCs will rerun in 2021! Stay informed via our website to find out when!

Would you like to stay up-to-date about the integrated STEM Teaching MOOCs? But also keep the conversation on the integrated STEM teaching method going? Then join the primary education and secondary education Facebook groups and check the STE(A)M IT website to find out about the, soon the be released, community for exchange!

The STE(A)M IT ‘Integrated STEM Teaching’ MOOCs for primary and secondary school teachers are co-funded by the STE(A)M IT and Scientix 4 projects. STE(A)M IT have received funding from the European Union’s ERASMUS+ programme (Grant agreement 612845-EPP-1-2019-1- BE-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD), coordinated by European Schoolnet (EUN). Both MOOCs are accesible on the European Schoolnet Academy portal: MOOC for primary and MOOC for secondary schools.


Vanessa James

I am a communication coordinator in the Science Education Department of European Schoolnet (EUN). Holding a BA degree in Public relations and digital communications, I am passionate about graphic design, photography, web development and content management.