STE(A)M IT Deliverable 2.1

This “Integrated STEM Teaching State of Play” publication corresponds to Deliverable D2.1 – Integrated STEM teaching state of play of the STE(A)M IT project. The aim is to provide an overview of the existing scientific and grey literature research on the topic while laying the foundation for the development of the first Integrated STE(A)M education framework. The report presents in detail the results of the SWOT analysis performed on the topic that reveals the opportunities and challenges ahead.

TitleIntegrated STEM Teaching State of Play
TypeDeliverable, Report
Author(s)Evita Tasiopoulou, Eleni Myrtsioti, Jessica Niewint Gori, Nikoletta Xenofontos, Anastasios Chovardas, Letizia Cinganotto, Giuseppe Anichini, Patrizia Garista, Fausto Benedetti, Maria Guida, Ciro Minichini, Andrea Benassi and Agueda Gras-Velazquez
Collaborator(s)Darija Dasovic, Helena Valecic, Lidija Kralj, Stephan Griebel, Andrea Schauer Hansen, James Serra, Itziar Garcia Blazquez, Elena Vender, Bonnie Schmidt, Chiara Venturella, Achilles Kameas, Marc Durando, Panagiotis Angelopoulos, Magdalena Traczuk-Rapala, Justyna John, Zuzana Tkacova, Limor Ben shitrit Haimi, Teijo Koljonen, Bogdan Cristescu, Gabriela Streinu-Cercel, Carmelita Cipollone, Preeti Gahlawat, Barbara Mandusic, Zoe Kofina Michael, Sonia Cerqueira, Nikolas Nikolaou, Ivana Gugic, Edyta Wegrzyn, Isabela Ciurea, Ana Louro, Marzia Lunardi, Noel Harmsworth, Maryna Manchenko, Aniko Pazmandi, Bjorn Bachmann, Adriana Campodonio, Tomas Juskiv and Jelena Milenkovic
With the support ofSTEAMonEdu, NHL Stenden University of Applied Science, International STEM Awards, CHOICE, Learn STEM, Let’s Talk Science, Scientix, STEM Alliance, Texas Instruments, Lego Education
AudienceEducational authorities, Policymakers, Industry, Teachers
Topic(s)Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM); Integrated STEM education; Primary Education; Secondary Education
Year2020 / Translation in Hebrew published in March 2021


Vanessa James

I am a communication coordinator in the Science Education Department of European Schoolnet (EUN). Holding a BA degree in Public relations and digital communications, I am passionate about graphic design, photography, web development and content management.