Getting to know the STE(A)M IT learning scenarios

The STE(A)M IT project has gathered the learning scenarios to help teachers contextualize STEM topics into the real world and help students understand the connections between science and the world around them. The document is also part of the European Integrated STEM Teaching Framework.

TitleGetting to know the STE(A)M IT learning scenarios
Author(s)Evita Tasiopoulou, Eddy Grand-Meyer, Agueda Gras-Velazquez
With the support ofCareer Advisers Network
AudienceTeachers, Educational authorities
Topic(s)Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM); Integrated STEM education; Primary Education; Secondary Education

Categories: Publications

Rocío Benito

Rocío Benito

I am a Digital Media Officer in the Science Education Department of European Schoolnet (EUN). I studied mass media, and graphic and web design. I love photography and video editing.