Home » Learning Scenarios » Light up future homes

About this STEM integrated learning scenario

Communication is very important in any design process. Professional design teams and designers often need to pitch ideas to clients. Designers use a range of graphic techniques to communicate their ideas and constructional and technical considerations related to design solutions. Students will work as if they were employed at an architectural firm where they will first make a drawing of a house with a dimension of 25-30 sqm, and then build a model of a house where they will choose their own scale and material for the model, making it sustainable. They will use an online tool of their choice from the proposed tools. The digital drawing should include a hall, a bedroom, a bathroom with a shower, and a living room with a small kitchen. The dimensions of the furniture, kitchen cabinets, and more can be found on IKEA.com. They will also build a website to present their house. The choice of content, fonts, and design should reflect the taste of an imaginary customer. At the end of the project, the students will do an oral presentation where they will speak both about the house they designed, and about how they have chosen to communicate the idea of their house with the website that they have built.

Author(s): Preeti Gahlawat, Junior Ndiaye, Anna Brink

Subject(s): Mathematics, Technology, Art, Physics

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Related real-life questions

This learning scenario explores the following real-life questions:

  • How would a modern-day house look like?
  • What basic components should be included in a house for a person to live in?
  • How important are proper electrical fittings?
  • What is the best way to advertise and sell a product?
  • How do you make someone interested in a product that you have made?
  • How do you make a lot of information easy, accessible, and interesting on the internet?
  • What is your favourite web page(s)? What makes it your favourite? (design, items they sell, etc)

Related STEM Careers

With this learning scenario, students will have the opportunity to recognize how the role of:

  • an architect involves delivering solutions, ensuring the plan and basics are in place, and coordinating teams of people to bring the work together efficiently and cost-effectively. Creative solutions, critical thinking, and aesthetics of the products based on customer’s interests are part of their work which is part of the art,
  • electrical engineers, material scientists/engineers, mechanical engineers, and physicists contribute to the development of electronic technologies.

You can find related STEM jobs profiles on the STE(A)M IT repository:

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