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Have you noticed how some of your students are very engaged during maths classes? Are they finding themselves comfortable when solving puzzles and logic problems? Are they eager in learning more about programming? Add to that their interest in weather phenomena, and you might have a future data scientist in the field of meteorology in your classroom! Meteorology-oriented data scientists are in charge of analysing data to understand the weather phenomena and be able to predict variables such as visibility or the weather forecast. Discover more about the necessary skills by meeting Irina Malkin, a Meteorology-oriented Data Scientist at MicroStep-MIS!

Interview for the STE(A)M IT Repository of STEM Jobs profiles with Irina Malkin, a meteorology-oriented data scientist at MicroStep-MIS.


Find out about the key skills to become a Meteorology-oriented Data Scientist.


“It is my main motivation for choosing this job and it inspires me to carry out my work. It is key to find out relevant information from the data we collect.”


“Data science in the meteorology field is the meeting point of several disciplines. In order to analyse data is important to know where it came from, and which questions we are trying to answer, so we have a lot of collaboration with different field experts.”

Strategic Planning

“When I start working on a project, I have to plan ahead – data collection, data preparation, data analysis, model validation, model testing and implementing the best model to production.”


“In order to analyse data and make predictions, I write computer programs in python.”

Artificial Inteligence

“It is a very useful skill to have because I use it for most of the classification and prediction tasks. A classification task is when trying to decide if it will be a sunny or a rainy day, and prediction is when I try to predict which the visibility will be.” 

Data Presentation

“I often have to present conclusions based on available data.”

Meet Irina Malkin, a Meteorology-oriented Data Scientist at MicroStep-MIS

Irina has studied theoretical physics at Comenius University in Bratislava. She obtained her PhD in theoretical chemistry at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. Later she worked as a researcher in theoretical chemistry at the ETH Zurich, Zurich University and as a researcher in applied informatics at the Slovak Technical University. Currently, she works as a data scientist at MicroStep-MIS.


In this 25th episode of our STE(A)M IT CAREERS PODCAST, Rocío Benito from EUN spoke with Irina Malkin, a Meteorology-oriented Data Scientist!

In this podcast interview, Irina Malkin talks about the challenges in her job. “I need a lot of out-of-the-box thinking to be able to solve unexpected problems.” She also explains what her working day looks like, and what inspired her to become a meteorology-oriented data scientist. “It’s my curiosity that guided me through my career path because I couldn’t make up my mind between mathematics, chemistry, physics and computer science. Luckily, my current job allows combining all of them.” Learn more from her, and listen to the full interview!

CC BY 4.0: all the materials and content presented on this STEM Job profile have been provided by STE(A)M IT, a project funded by the European Union’s ERASMUS+ programme project STE(A)M IT (Grant agreement 612845-EPP-1-2019-1- BE-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD), coordinated by European Schoolnet (EUN).

Rocío Benito

Rocío Benito

I am a Digital Media Officer in the Science Education Department of European Schoolnet (EUN). I studied mass media, and graphic and web design. I love photography and video editing.