Home » Learning Scenarios » More light, less lighting

About this STEM integrated learning scenario

This learning scenario aims to make students aware of the benefits of teamwork required in different learning contexts and in the process of acquiring knowledge, competences, skills, and experiences that are commonly applied in order to solve a real-life question.

Through this learning scenario, students will examine the multiple applications and uses of light, scrutinizing specific technical aspects of the topic in all the involved subjects. Then, they will apply the acquired knowledge and demonstrate their ability to solve problems. The interdisciplinary content will be the way through which teachers will set up their teaching activities, using the Project-Based approach (PBL) while problem-posing and problem-solving, Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE), Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), and blended-learning methodologies, in order to make students acquire some of the key citizenship skills of the 21st century.

Initially, the Physics teacher will introduce students to the light pollution question using PBL and applying the CLIL methodology through a jigsaw activity, additionally addressing the problematic (Problem-posing): How can we have more light with less lighting?

Secondly, the three teachers involved will implement various activities (IBSE, CLIL, blended-learning) aiming at having students gradually acquiring specific knowledge and abilities, related to their teaching subjects.

Thirdly, students will be asked to solve the problem initially posed: they will need to use all the specific knowledge and competencies acquired; they will work in groups to produce videos and posters in order to disseminate their job and show their 21st-century skills. This L.S. has been tested by the Italian Team during the sanitary emergency caused by COVID-19 when all the Italian schools were closed; all activities have been implemented through online lessons and with the support of the Moodle platform of the school.

Author(s): Carmelita Cipollone, Massimiliano Dirodi, Tiziana Pezzella

Subject(s): Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Art History, Art & Design

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Related real-life questions

This learning scenario explores the following real-life questions:

  • Use of light: Light pollution, light and energy, exaltation of art
  • Is the night sky a dark sky?
  • Can we catch the energy of the sunlight for anything?
  • Which light for a work of art?
  • What type of light is better to examine artwork?
  • Which type of light is preferred while creating/painting, or in other artistic activities?
  • What is the optimal use of light during the Art class or for an artist?

Related STEM Careers

With this learning scenario and through the various subjects, students will have the opportunity to work with activities and materials that will introduce them to several potential STEM career paths, including:

  • Physicist: Data analyst, design engineer, lab technician, physicist designer
  • Mathematician: Biostatisticians, data scientists
  • Chemistry: UV lamps product engineer (engineering of the production of ever safer tanning lamps); Chemists (industrial and materials chemistry)
  • Biology: Dermatologist (skin diseases), biotechnologist (DNA damage), pharmacologist and pharmacologist technician (sunscreen, cosmetics, and products for health and beauty) agronomist (behavior of plant crops in sunlight, optimization of plant development, installation, and maintenance of greenhouses).
  • Art: Architect, light designers, production designer, an expert in museum installations.
  • Engineer: Engineering technician, environmental scientist, environmental technician.

You can find related STEM jobs profiles on the STE(A)M IT repository:

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