Towards an interdisciplinary and innovative STEM approach in education!
In order to really get students to see the interest of STEM degrees and careers, and even more importantly, show students, and society at large, the key role that STEM plays in improving our lives and their need for our future, we need STEM to be taught in an integrated way, encouraging interaction between STEM and non-STEM subjects.
To address this challenge, the new STE(A)M IT project will develop and test a conceptual framework of reference for integrated STE(A)M education, which will be discussed during the 1st STE(A)M IT co-creation workshop, on the 27th, 28th and 29th of February. During the workshop, Ministries of Education STEM representatives, industries, organisations, and selected teachers from the STE(A)M IT focus group, will work together on the components of a STE(A)M framework and discuss what an integrated STEM framework should be and what competences should students develop through STE(A)M activities. To follow the workshop discussions and project updates, follow #STEAMIT_project.