In this 13th episode of our STE(A)M IT STEM Careers Podcast, Rocío Benito from European Schoolnet spoke with Roisin Byrne, a Nature-Based Landscape Architect.

Roisin Byrne has always loved wild nature since she was a child. She talks about her job and the challenges she encounters, such as “the lack of Nature-Based practitioners and knowledge”. Roisin gives her advice to students that would love to pursue Nature-Based Solutions careers: “Follow your passion in any way that you will impact and achieve great things for nature”. Listen to the whole podcast to know more!

CC BY 4.0: all the materials and content presented on this STEM Job profile have been co-created by STE(A)M IT, a project funded by the European Union’s ERASMUS+ programme project STE(A)M IT (Grant agreement 612845-EPP-1-2019-1- BE-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD), in collaboration with the Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) phase 2, a pilot project initiated and funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. European Schoolnet (EUN) oversees the interviewing and creating of the NBS Career Sheets, with the support of VO EUROPE.

Ep. 13. Becoming a Nature-Based Landscape Architect, interview with Roisin Byrne.

Rocío Benito

Rocío Benito

I am a Digital Media Officer in the Science Education Department of European Schoolnet (EUN). I studied mass media, and graphic and web design. I love photography and video editing.


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