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Are your students interested in what is happening below our surface? Are they fascinated by earthquakes or tsunamis? Then the career of Seismologist might be the right one for them. They are first of all scientists! Their journey combines physics, mathematics, geology, and computing processing. Seismologist studies earthquakes, their causes, such as the movement of tectonic plates on the Earth’s crust as well as their effects. Seismologists not only monitor and measure the intensity of an earthquake but also archive and process that seismic data. They predict disasters that threaten and affect the planet! They are real lifesavers! Are your students brave enough to become a seismologist? Scroll down and discover more.

Interview of Sylvana Pilidou, Seismologist, Geological Survey Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Cyprus.


Find out about the key skills to become a Seismologist.

Analytical skills

A seismologist needs to analyze data and combine the information to derive certain scientific conclusions. Data usually involve temperature and earthquake measurements and details on the geomorphological structure.

Critical Thinking

Combining data of various scientific fields demands high levels of critical evaluation of the data in order to discover how they all fit in the bigger picture.

Problem Solving

Problem-solving involves the identification of complex problems and reviews related information to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions. Sometimes efficient problem-solving starts with asking the right question.


Since the study of seismology brings together various scientific fields and works on society sensitive matters, such a professional must collaborate with other scientists, decision-makers, and local stakeholders.

Software Management

Being able to utilize technology in order to process and present data efficiently is essential for faster and more effective results.

Computational processing

Processing all those variables would take forever without help from specialized computing systems.

Meet Dr Sylvana Pilidou

Geological Officer, Seismological Network Operator, Seismologist at the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, Cyprus.

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0: all the materials and content presented on this STEM Job profile have been provided by TIWI (Teaching ICT with Inquiry), a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.


Vanessa James

I am a communication coordinator in the Science Education Department of European Schoolnet (EUN). Holding a BA degree in Public relations and digital communications, I am passionate about graphic design, photography, web development and content management.