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Are your students interested in technology and innovation? Are they eager to improve society by contributing to the development of R&I projects? Do they enjoy daily challenges and are at ease at solving problems? Are interpersonal skills such as communication, active listening and public speaking one of their strengths? If they fit in this description, they could work in the STEM field and become a Researcher and Project Manager! This job profile requires people with skills such as commitment, problem-solving, adaptability and collaboration. Scroll down and get to know Claudia Vicari, a Senior Researcher and Project Manager at Engineering Ingegneria Informatica!

Meet Claudia Vicari

For this STEM Job Profile, we talked to Claudia Vicari. Claudia works at the R&D Laboratory of Engineering Ingegneria Informatica. She is a Senior Researcher and Project Manager within the Open Public Service Innovation Group (part of Engineering R&D Laboratory), working on the topics of Digital Transformation in the Public Sector, Smart Cities and Social Innovation.

“One of the aspects of my job that challenges and motivates me is to have to communicate and collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams with different backgrounds and cultures.” 

Curious to find out more about this job? Read about the related skills and scroll down to find and download her career sheet!


Find out the key skills to becoming a Senior Researcher and Project Manager.


“Very much needed to manage complex projects and unpredicted situations/issues that might arise in the daily operation of any project”


As a Researcher and Project Manager, leading several projects requires adaptability because you deal with different situations, tasks and partners with diverse backgrounds.


Working as a Researcher and Project Manager is challenging, that’s why it is important to be committed to your projects to produce good results and outcomes.

Public Speaking

This skill is required to have effective communication with either partners, stakeholders, or the target audience of your projects.


“It is essential since I am involved in collaborative projects involving multidisciplinary partners and teams.”

Writing Skills

Necessary to prepare project deliverables, reports and other documents as well as to be effective in any other written communication (e.g. emails) that is part of the daily work.”

Advice to take away

“I would advise students to keep an open mind, to explore the various opportunities to find the right job that fits their interests and passions, whatever they are (bearing in mind that time spent on work will be an important part of their life). Another piece of advice is to be prepared to accept a possible failure and embrace the change: not all choices will be successful and obviously, some of them could lead to some unwanted changes that can sometimes scare, but be necessary for an evolutionary and growth path.” – Claudia Vicari

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0: all the materials and content presented on this STEM Job profile have been co-created by STE(A)M IT, in collaboration with Urbanage, a project funded by the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.870697.

Rocío Benito

Rocío Benito

I am a Digital Media Officer in the Science Education Department of European Schoolnet (EUN). I studied mass media, and graphic and web design. I love photography and video editing.