Did you miss your chance to join the first editions of the “Integrated STEM Teaching” MOOCs? We have some good news for you! The ‘Integrated STEM teaching’ MOOCs are coming back for a second and improved run!

Enrol for the STE(A)M IT “Integrated STEM Teaching” MOOCs rerun!

Join one of these online courses and bring your teaching to the next level by mastering the contextualization of STEM knowledge through industry-education cooperation, learning about innovative pedagogies, and discovering how to develop and implement a STEM integrated lesson plan!

And that’s not all! Teachers who received the ‘STEM is Everywhere’ MOOC certificates (2018 and 2020 editions) and successfully completed one of the “Integrated STEM Teaching” MOOCs rerun will receive a special certificate!



The ‘Integrated STEM Teaching for Primary Schools’ MOOC rerun is relevant to primary school teachers of all levels of experience who are interested in learning how to go from teaching isolated Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics classes, to a real integrated STEM teaching of these topics, not only among themselves but with all other disciplines. This MOOC will examine the opportunities offered by integrated STEM teaching and will provide many practical examples.

The ‘Integrated STEM Teaching for Secondary Schools’ MOOC rerun aims to provide secondary school teachers with essential skills and knowledge to go from isolated Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics classes, to a real integrated STEM teaching of these topics. And not only among themselves but with all other disciplines. Furthermore, you will be able to explore exemplary STE(A)M integrated lesson plans created and tested by other teachers, and many more relevant resources.


In the ‘Integrated STEM Teaching’ MOOCs rerun, participants will:

  • Learn how to use and apply the STE(A)M integrated teaching
  • Learn how to use real-world challenges and STEM careers to contextualise STEM teaching and increase students’ engagement
  • Develop and implement STE(A)M integrated lesson plans combining 3-4 different subjects
  • Address with students a real-world challenge
  • Convert integrated STEM to teaching practices


  • ‘Integrated STEM Teaching’ MOOC rerun for primary schools (in English): 25 October 2021 – 1 December 2021 (5.5 weeks)
  • ‘Integrated STEM Teaching’ MOOC rerun for secondary schools: 25 October 2021 – 1 December 2021 (5.5 weeks)


Promotional video for Integrated STEM Teaching MOOCs Rerun for Primary and Secondary Schools

Would you like to know more about integrated STEM and to prepare yourself for the course? Read about: