About this STEM integrated learning scenario
We live in a world that is constantly changing, and every day it seems to change more quickly. Humankind is facing unprecedented revolutions. How can we prepare our students for a world of transformations? What should we teach our students today that will help them live and flourish in 2030 or set the basis for the 22nd century? What kind of skills will they need to get a job, understand what is happening around them? Since nobody knows what the world will look like in 2030, not to mention 2100, we don’t know the answer to these questions. People have never been able to predict the future with accuracy. But children are the future of the world and through this scenario, students are asked to anticipate any potential changes they think might be coming and find solutions on how to better preserve the environment, how we can decrease the levels of pollution (atmospheric, water, ocean), and have more green space or better air quality and how can they save energy to help ecosystems.
Author(s): Ivana Gugić, Jelena Solak Vodopija, Mara Stojanac
Subject(s): Natural Science, Mathematics, Physics, Language, Arts
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Related real-life questions
This learning scenario explores the following real-life questions:
Through this learning scenario, students will be introduced to topics that will originate them to think about the future in about 20 -30 years from now and help them give answers to some real-life questions like:
- What does the future look like for people living on Earth if we continue to treat our planet the way that we do?
- How will climate changes and the energy we consume impact the environment and the ecosystem?
- How does a polluted environment affect our health?
- How Earth could be a better place and what are some wrongdoings we need to correct?
- What conclusions can we reach after monitoring the data from our energy consumption?
Related STEM Careers
With this learning scenario, students will have the opportunity to work with activities and materials that will introduce them to several potential STEM career paths, including:
- Environmental scientist
- Biologist or biology teacher
- Environmental physicist
- Geographer
You can find related STEM jobs profiles on the STE(A)M IT repository:
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